La goccia e il fuoco - Chopin e George Sand

author_Laura Fatini

choreography_Chiara Verdecchia

voice_Maria Pina Ruiu

piano_Luciano Garuso

cast_4 dancers / 4 dancers, 1 pianist e 1 actress

duration of the show_45 minuti circa 

Everything begins from the famous love story between Chopin and George Sand, lasting 10 years, but no one knows about it.
What we are interested in it is not just their love, but rather the love between two artists, with the art that stands plainly in the middle.
On one hand there is Chopin, a Polish exile, with its melancholy temperament, "gray", but sometimes illuminated with comedic accents; he was aware of his value and sick of tuberculosis.
From the other Aurore, with the male name she chose, George Sand, a famous writer, she was rich and independent, she liked dressing as a man and they said she had many lovers, men and women.
Despite the big differences, even of age, she completely lost her head for Chopin and his music; from the artistic point of view he subjugated it, he became vital and authoritarian, ingenious and willing... but George's violent and carnal passion could not be satisfied by him. She was destined for an aimlessly chasing.
This is the chink we wanted to open on their union; how much art could be a great love, and how much it could transfigure the love between two people. Our look is not only directed to them, but rather it is a design of human passions in general and about the one that is perhaps the most burning one, the one for art.

© 2017 Chiara Verdecchia, Via Guglielmina Ronconi 77, 00156 Roma
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